History of the Community Trust
Burley in Wharfedale Community Trust (BWCT) was created in 2003 to replace a part of the responsibilities of the then Burley Community Council. The Trust was bequeathed the Corn Mill Pond with a legacy for ongoing maintenance and it was felt that this would be better handled by a registered charity run by a committee of trustees, all of whom would be volunteers. Over the years since then the Trust has become responsible for the Scalebor Pavilion, Pudding Tree Garden (near the Malt), Jubilee Garden (near Jake Wright), Herb & Vegetable Gardens, provision of new Benches around the village, and for a short time the Roundhouse when it created the garden. It has also taken on the overall responsibility for the Christmas Lights and Street Markets, the Wharfedale Wombles litter picking and eco volunteers, Duck Race, Hanging Baskets and Tubs, and more recently the Summer Festival and Burley Moor Run. In 2019 the Trust amalgamated funds with the Burley Educational Trust (BET), a charity formed in 1995 from the sale of the Township School, and BWCT now manages the income and investments of this as a designated fund to help schoolchildren and other young people in Burley in Wharfedale. As well as asset management and activities the Trust, working closely with the Parish Council, has overseen drainage improvements at Scalebor Playing Field, new Playground Equipment, refurbishment of the Fountain of Life, and has made significant contributions to other voluntary village organisations including, most notably, the Scouts and Guides, Bowling Club, Football Club and Cricket Club. We currently have 16 volunteer trustees who all work hard to continue the good work of the Trust. We are currently working on fundraising for a Pump and Balance Bike track, providing Village Maps in strategic places, and the creating of our new Community Website. The Trust relies on an annual membership scheme (c900) and public and commercial donations. Our Membership
All Burley residents are invited to join the Trust for a small annual fee (£15 for Individuals, £20 Family, £150 for Individual Life membership).If you are a taxpayer and are able to Gift Aid your membership we can claim a very valuable tax benefit. You can join the Community Trust by completing an online form, or if you prefer by simply completing an application form - please see relevant page/s in the above menu. Members are also entitled to attend and vote at the AGM each January, and to stand for election as a Trustee. |