Burley Parish Council (Christmas Lights and Hanging Baskets), Burley Gardeners, Coop, Waitrose, Burley Trojans Football Club, Burley Cricket Club, Walkers are Welcome, Burley Festival, Love Burley, Shipley Community Chest, Ilkley Round Table, Unique, Bradford Metropolitan Council, Steel City Media, Ghyll Royd School and Wharfedale Wombles (litter picking). Burley Summer Festival is now operating in partnership with the Community Trust and has recently merged with Burley Educational Trust. OUR ASSETS AND ACTIVITIES The Trust owns the Scalebor Park Sports Pavilion and the Corn Mill Pond. We lease the Pudding Tree and Jubilee Gardens and the Scalebor Park Playing Field. We are responsible for all the above assets and we also help fund the annual drainage maintenance at Scalebor Park Playing Field. We also maintain the tubs around the War Memorial and the Fountain of Life area at the bottom of Station Road. Our main activities include the organisation of the Annual Duck Race and Teas in the Park (with help from the Guides). This took place this year on Sunday 18th June 2023. The ticket sales this year help with funds for the Trust and Burley Trojans Football Club. We also organise and fund (with help from the Parish Council) the Christmas Lights and the Christmas Market and Craft Market with the switch on taking place this year on 2nd December 2023. The latest development is, as of this year, Burley Summer Festival is now operating in partnership with the Community Trust. The hanging baskets on the lamp posts and the tubs on the railings and around the War Memorial are also coordinated and funded by the Trust (with help from the Parish Council and Ghyll Royd School). The Wharfedale Wombles litter collections have now become part of a regular feature in the village and is supported by the Trust and run by one of our Trustees. We also maintain, and are currently in the process of upgrading, the Burley in Wharfedale village web site with its Village Diary and list of local clubs and organisations. OUR MEMBERSHIP All Burley residents are invited to join the Trust for a small annual fee (£15 for Individuals, £20 Family, £150 for Individual Life membership).If you are a taxpayer and are able to Gift Aid your membership we can claim a very valuable tax benefit. You can join the Community Trust by completing an online form, or if you prefer by simply completing an application form - View the Membership Page Members are also entitled to attend and vote at the AGM each January, and to stand for election as a Trustee.