Burley in Wharfedale Community Trust
General Enquiries:
[email protected] Who are we? A registered charity based in Burley in Wharfedale run entirely by volunteer trustees. What do we do? Raise, manage and provide funds for services and facilities for the benefit of all of the village community. We help coordinate and run the Christmas Lights, street and craft markets, the Duck Race and Teas in the Park, the Wharfedale Wombles litter pickers and Burley Summer Festival. We maintain certain village assets including the Scalebor Pavilion and playing fields, Cornmill Pond, Fountain of Life, Pudding Tree and Jubilee Gardens Our recent achievements: The Trust has refurbished the Fountain of Life and Roundhouse Garden with benches, helped fund the new playground, herb and vegetable gardens and funded extracurricular school activities. Our future plans: The Trust intends to install information boards around the village, raise funds for a pump and balance bike track. The Trust will continue to run our activities and maintain our assets. Our Partners: Burley Parish Council, The Co-op, all volunteers and volunteer groups in our village. Please support us: By joining the Trust for only £15 as an individual, £20 for a family or £150 for an individual lifetime membership - see the Membership Page for more information. |
Structure and Management
Burley in Wharfedale Community Trust is a registered charity ( reg no.1098871) whose object is to promote any charitable purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of Burley in Wharfedale, Burley Woodhead and Stead by any such means that are deemed to be exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales. It is run by a committee of elected and co-opted trustees who have control of the association and its property and funds. The Committee must hold at least 4 meetings a year with a quorum of 5 trustees minimum. Membership of the Trust is open to any individual or organisation interested in promoting the charity. Membership is by annual or lifetime subscription. List of Trustees 2024:
Chair: Duncan Ault * [email protected] 01943 862165 Secretary: Andrew Wriglesworth [email protected] 01943 865840 Treasurer: Mark Elsworth [email protected] 07795 497764 Publicity: Niccola Swan [email protected] 01943 863826 Membership Secretary: Nick Turnbull [email protected] 07779 722999 Harvey Bosomworth, Sylvia Tilford, Jan Edwards, Loraine Hughes, Shirley Moffat, Barbara Holden, Rachel Beverley-Stevenson, Sam Needham, Robin Dearing (* Denotes Parish Councillor) |
[email protected]
Copyright © 2024 Burley in Wharfedale Community Trust
Reg Charity: 1098871