Future Plans
The Trust’s future plans for promoting charitable activity for the benefit of the local residents of Burley in Wharfedale include the following:
- Support the construction and development of the new Pump Track to replace the old Skate Park on the recreation ground
see: www.biwpumptrack.co.uk - Continue support for the Burley Summer Festival, Christmas Lights, Christmas Markets and the Duck Race.
- Maintain the grounds at Scalebor and various village assets including the Corn Mill Pond and Fountain of Life.
- Install village information boards in two locations. Upgrade the village website. Improve walking and access provision around the village for all abilities and ages. This includes organising new benches on the village perimeter.
- Maintain the new community herb and vegetable gardens.
- Continue funding of the Outreach wellbeing programme in the village in conjunction with Bradford Council Youth Provision and Unique.
- Continuing with the Wharfedale Wombles litter picking initiative.
- Support for the Wellbeing initiatives and Men's Shed.
- Provide important local information through the Community Website, Facebook and our regular quarterly newsletter to members.
- Assist other local village organisations with funding.